The Hansard Society, which carries out a regular audit of political engagement, says only 30 per cent of voters will now admit a firm party allegiance. 定期评审政治参与情况的英国议会议事录学会(HansardSociety)表示,目前只有30%的选民承认自己坚定地支持某个政党。
Through the regular audit and EHS management review, enhance the EHS performance and improve the operation safety and environmental quality. 将透过定期稽核与安环卫管理审查,并持续提升环安卫管理绩效以提升作业安全及环境品质。
Is there a regular quality audit on finished goods? 对已完成产品,是否有定期之质量检验?
Regular Audit Of Financial Statement; 财务报表常规审计;
Regular and active participation in the audit process; 定期积极参与审查工作;
Complete the regular audit work; 完成公司常规财务审计工作;
Regular review of actions taken, using the audit trail of events in the locks to improve individual accountability for actions. 采取行动的定期检讨,使用锁事件的审计线索,以改善行动的个人责任。
Develop regular pollution prevention and waste reduction audit procedures. 制定阶段性的防污减排审计程序。
Accordingly, some guidelines to abate the adverse effects of constructing large dams by following the decision-making principles of integrated regional or watershed management, transparency, public participation, regular audit of expenses and receipts of the dam during its whole life cycle, etc. are suggested aswell. 并认为从流域或区域的角度进行综合决策、增加透明度与鼓励公众参与、在整个大坝的生命周期中进行定期审计等原则是减轻大坝负面影响的关键。
One of the control measure is to increase the correctness of appraising and judging the regular risk and control risk of computer audit, and the other is to decrease the check risk of computer audit. 控制措施一是提高评估判断计算机审计固有风险和控制风险的正确性;二是降低计算机审计检查风险。
The paper elaborates the focus and problems in internal audit of newly-founded local regular universities and puts forward suggestions to enhance internal audit. 围绕新建地方本科院校内部审计存在的问题和侧重点进行了论述,并提出了强化内部审计的改进建议。
It is assumed that the definition and model of the regular audit risks are somewhat incongruent with those of the independent audit risks under the current circumstances in China, which is likely to lead to the ignorance of management or incapability of quality control. 我国目前环境下常规审计风险的定义和模型与独立审计行为执行主体的实际风险承担结果并不完全一致,导致了忽视独立审计风险管理,在一定程度上存在审计质量低下的问题。
The traditional risk assessment and compliance audits requires a lot of take a lot of human resources, general consultants from the project team on a regular basis over the system risk assessment or audit, an audit takes a long cycle times between the reusable resources audit low. 传统的风险评估与合规性审计需要大量的占用大量的人力资源,一般由多名顾问组成项目组定期对系统进行风险评估或审计,一次审计耗费周期长,多次审计之间可复用资源低。
So the regular audits in the field of public projects carried out by the audit department, to a large extent, have been unable to meet the needs of economic development. 审计部门在公共工程建设领域所进行的常规性审计,在很大程度上已不能适应经济发展对审计的需要。
Then, by analyzing the technology of real-time audit algorithms as well as the interface of databases, we adopt the regular match expressions and ODBC to fulfill the real-time audit engine and database interface respectively. 然后对实时审计算法和数据库接口技术进行研究,提出了利用正则匹配算法实现实时审计和通过ODBC实现数据库接口。
Monitoring platform build in Java for cross-platform monitoring capabilities in the monitoring platform. By configuring the regular expression for the audit information on the application of a monitoring application node, monitor can do more. 监控平台采用Java构造,以实现跨平台监控能力,该监控平台通过配置正则表达式实现对应用审计信息进行监控,全面监控应用节点。